16 Temmuz 2009 Perşembe

Today Post::Iguana Care Tips - How To Identify An Iguana's Gender

There are several iguana facts unknown to many people. A few will be illustrated here. This reptile is commonly found in forests in tropical and subtropical regions, along seashores and even in deserts. Various kinds of iguanas are found in locations such as South America, Canada, the Galapagos Island, Madagascar, the Caribbean Islands, and Central America off the East African coast and Fiji.

An additional iguana fact is that iguanas constitute the largest section of the lizard family. It is by far the most common and popular reptile.
heir characteristics such as laying eggs are common to reptiles. Furthermore, their cold-blooded nature allows them to easily adapt to their environments.

The different types of iguana species vary greatly in characteristics. They differ in size, behavior and even color. However, they are an endangered species in the wild. The green iguana and red iguana are the more familiar of the iguanas and are also still present in very large numbers. However, the Brachylophus vitiensis and the Fiji Island iguana are becoming endangered species.

It is hard to discern different species of iguana as being from the same family due to large differences in physical appearance as well as behavior. Their colors vary from bright to muted shades. The different habitats in which iguanas can be found give each species a different adaptation.

Pet Iguanas

Americans believe the extinction of the iguana species can be prevented by keeping them as pets domestically. Furthermore, the correct handling and care of iguanas is fundamental knowledge. This includes knowledge of their eating habits, their habitat and other information relating to their upkeep.

Iguanas are herbivorous creatures and their diet constitutes fruits, flower buds and young leaves. The rare mealworm, crickets and the wax worm provide occasional treats for the iguana. Dark and leafy greens as well as various fruits are the iguana's staple food in some locations in America.

The growth of iguanas is relatively fast. An iguana can multiply its length by five from the time it hatches and grow up to one hundred times heavier, in a period of two years.

It is therefore fundamentally important that a pet iguana receives sufficient food and water as well as being housed in an appropriate enclosure that is well heated. Slow growth rates are often the result of improper diet and housing and inadequate exposure to sunlight. Furthermore, this results in weaker bones thereby exposing them to severe bone fractures and disease.

How to Determine the Iguana's Gender

A characteristic of male iguanas is the presence of huge pockets of fat present on the back of their heads. Their jaws are large and heavy and they possess larger femoral pores under their thighs. Additionally, the heads of females are smaller and less blocky than that of females. Furthermore, females lack the large pockets of fat and heavy jaws. Moreover, the femoral pores are tiny. These iguana facts can help distinguish the male from the females.

Courtship behaviors such as the erection of the spines present on its back as well as head bobbing are unique to the male. The male iguana is usually aggressive during courtship, a huge difference from their mild and shy nature during other times. They tend to flee when approached. This iguana fact should help a pet owner interact with them.

Many female iguanas tend to dig a hole in an area that receives plenty of sunlight and lays their eggs there. They then cover the eggs and leave them alone. The eggs incubate due to the warm temperatures. All eggs present in the nest hatch simultaneously. Conversely, some of the dangers iguanas undergo vary from loss of their habitat to captivity by man for consumption. The survival of the iguana can be aided by taking measures such as educating people who live in iguana habitats, imposing limitations on hunting and the breeding of iguanas in zoos. These are just some of the interesting and more common Iguana Facts.

Abhishek is passionate about Iguanas and he has got some great Iguana Care Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 100 Pages Ebook, "How To Take Great Care Of Your Pet Iguana!" from his website http://www.Wonderful-Pets.com/820/index.htm. Only limited Free Copies available

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