11 Ağustos 2009 Salı

Today Post::Isis' Bio

Name: Isis (aka Little Isis)
Age: I’m two now!
Birthday: August 2, 2007 (this is a guesstimation!)
Gotcha Day: September 14, 2007
Where I Came From: The alley behind the store! Yes, I’m a true Alley Cat!
Breed: House Panther
Coloring: All black with the most amazing orange-gold eyes.
Nick-name Not The Mama calls me: Nooj, Littlle Bit
Down-under: Ladygardenectomy done on 09/30/2008
Relationship Status:  I’m TWO now, so I’m available!!!
Pet Peeve: Kids. When the little monsters come into the store, I run and hide!
Favorite place to sleep in the living room: On my green Ham-mick fr! om 40 Paws!
Favorite place to sleep in the bedroom: In the heated cup.
Favorite Things: The fishies in the aquarium, running up and down the stairs from the apartment to the store, sleeping in the sun, and stalking Spooker.
Favorite Treat: Friskie’s Party Mix!  (I won’t eat Temptations, but I nom nom nom Party Mix!)
Favorite Toy: A jingle bell on a string. Not The Mama thinks he has me trained to come when he rattles the jingle bell, but I just like letting him think he’s in control… Plus, can’t resist… the bell…
Favorite Color:
Black, of course!  And RED - cuz that’s the color of my collar!
Fun Fact: I will ride on Not The Mama’s shoulder, and he calls me Nooj The Little Monkey.

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